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The 3rd transnational project meeting, Poland – hybrid – on May 18-19, 2022

    The third transnational project meeting was held in Zielona Góra on May 17-19, 2022. The weather was good, which was an important element of the organization for us, because, as befits the „Social Education on the Move” project, we spent a lot of time on the move. The conference programme consisted of several parts.

    On May 17, we started with an informal meeting in a pub in Zielona Góra. But we worked hard for the next two days. The meeting was started by Deputy Rector for Science and International Cooperation Professor Marcin Mrugalski Ph.D. and director of the Institute of Sociology, dr hab. Dorota Szaban, professor at the University of Zielona Góra.

    The first part – let’s call it a plenary session took place in the building of the rector’s office and was educational, we shared our experiences in connection with education in motion, but we also invited guests from outside the project who showed how they do it.

    The next part was 5 parallel sessions in motion, during which members of the Polish SoMoveED project team invited participants to thematic walks, during which they familiarized participants with such issues as caring farms, cultural quarters, evaluation of the effects of revitalization, wine traditions of Zielona Góra, empowering Ukrainian refugees. (linki do folderów z poszczególnych
    As part of the third session, which took place in the Neighborhood House, we talked about the activities of the organizations that make up this place, the RONDO Foundation and the ALIVIO Group. These organizations are stakeholders of the SoMoveED project, and this part of the meeting was prepared jointly. In the Neighborhood House, we talked about the conclusions arising from the activities carried out as part of the SoMoveED project. After this part, we went to another session in motion, which included „the Wine Evening Walk”, which we ended in the Palm House on the wine hill.
    On the second day, we continued our work on the SoMoveED project on campus B of the University of Zielona Góra, where we reviewed the activities performed, talked about the next stages of our work and thought about the date of the next project meeting.

    In total, due to the involvement of stakeholders and students, about 55 people took part in the meeting for these two days. Guests from 8 countries came to Zielona Góra. We are glad that we were able to share our experiences and have the opportunity to learn from others.

    We want to thank the project’s stakeholders for supporting us in organizing the meeting. And they were:

    • Regional Center of Social Policy in Zielona Góra,
    • Participation Foundation (Fundacja Partycypacja)
    • RONDO Foundation (Fundacja RONDO)
    • ALIVIO Group (Grupa ALIVIO Spn.s

    It is a pleasure to work with such people! Thank you!



    First Day – photo report

    Palm House

    Caring farms

    Wine traditions of Zielona Góra

    Cultural quarters

    Evaluation of the effects of revitalization

    Empowering Ukrainian refugees

    Afternoon Session in the Neighbourhood House

    Wine evening walk



    Second Day – photo report

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