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The 5th transnational project meeting, Czech Republic – on November 24-25, 2022


    On 24th and 25th of November another (fifth!) meeting of the Social Education on the Move (SoMoveED) project took place. This time we met in the beautiful Czech Prague. We were guests of our project partner Charles University and a great Czech team consisting of Martin Strouhal, Jaroslava Swoboda, Tereza Komarkova, Jiří KROPÁČ. It was the most numerous meeting in terms of participants, so our hosts had a lot of work to do. We worked in a beautifully renovated part of Charles University.

    The main aim of the meeting was continuing work on the outputs and monitoring the performance of tasks. Since the books were waiting for publication we concentrated on working on the video material and MOOC. We had also additional goals such as integrating and motivating our team members to work hard. We also wanted to come back to thinking about a new Erasmus + project to apply after finishing SoMoveED.

    We will briefly present what happened during the meeting




    First day: 24th of Nov 2022

    During the first day we discussed about MULTIPLICATION AND DISSEMINATION. Thanks to our partners from Croatia we could learn more on the basis of their experiences. Thank you Gordana Paton and Dušanka Pjevač! Most sessions took place at Charles University – link.

    After this we started the workshop about Workshop on implementation of the outputs strategy run by Anna Mielczarek-Żejmo, Dorota Bazuń and Mariusz Kwiatkowski.

    We also had a lot of to discuss when it comes to managment of the project during the final year. In the afternoon we took part in a workshop run by A.Gheondea Eladi about UX principles for the MOOC. We finished the work day with short discussion about the workshop results and MOOC platform.

    We all were very tired and that’s why we enjoyed being together during informal dinner in one of the Czechs restaurants.

    Second day: 25th of Nov 2022

    During the second day on the 25th of Nov 2022 we had some time for two short inspirational presentations given by Artur Kinal, Zbigniew Adaszyński from University of Zielona Góra.
    The next part of the meeting were two workshop parallel sessions. One was about MOOC and the second one was about organising multiplier event.

    We summed up the meeting and those who were able took part in the Round table conference. The aim of this additional session was to discuss about the future-to-be project “Co-Move – Connecting Generations on the Move”. We could see and discuss about several presentations about future projects after the SoMoveED.

    The two-day project meeting was very intense and that is why we wanted to intertwine it with various types of activities. Both during the first and second day there were two inspirational walks – Prague walks for inspiration

    1. WALK FOR INSPIRATION no 1link – How to create common space? (15:00-16:00) (run by: J. Swoboda (CZ), D. Bazuń, M. Kwiatowski, M. Pokrzyńska (PL).

      During this walk we also visited Prague Creative Centre – link  – located very closely to the meeting venue at Celetna street. The place is a headquarter of many NGO’s and it is an island in very crowded and commercial city centre for the inhabitants of the city and even though also the tourist can come there.
    2. WALK FOR INSPIRATION no 2link – What is the „power of the powerless”? (9:30-10:30) (run by: J. Swoboda (CZ), D. Bazuń, M. Kwiatkowski – PL)



    • Confronting the schedule of works performed with the plans.
    • Remainding about formal duties, deadlines, expected documents, etc.
    • Establishing new elements and ideas about the MOOC (O6)
    • Establishing the program outline for the next project meeting in Zielona Góra 2023.
    • Setting the vote date for the election of the next TPM in Zielona Góra in 2023.
    • Determining the people responsible for subsequent tasks to be performed.
    • Overall outline of the plan for implementing and disseminating the project results.
    • Discussing the modified timetable of the eleven ME in partners countries.

    See you next time in Poland!